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About the Author

Hi! I'm Katie, the hands and heart behind the book, ornaments, and resources you see here. My husband and I are parents by birth, foster care, and adoption to three kiddos currently and live in southern Ohio. I graduated with a degree in Occupational Therapy and also worked in special needs ministry before returning home full time. When our oldest was a toddler, I searched for a tradition that would allow us to celebrate together in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Not finding what I was looking for, I created my own!

I pray that your visit here leaves you feeling equipped and excited to celebrate with your family, class, or church. Celebrate, remember, and repeat - let the truths and stories about God and His goodness to His people sink down deep in your heart and in those of your children. May our kids know Christmas as it was meant to be – a season filled with wonder, participation, remembering, and celebrating Christ's birth... and may we join them in remembering God's ultimate gift to us year after year.